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Excerpts from Best of Bacon, for Paesanos Restaurant workers

by | Apr 3, 2020 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

To support Ann Arbor restaurant workers, Paesanos restaurant – #4 Italian in state, but I say it’s #1! – is giving signed copies of Best of Bacon with their fantastic Bacon Fettucine Carbonara(+rolls, salad, or soup) for $32.95! The book is $25, doggonnit! Stories about Ernie Harwell, Gordie Howe, Tom Izzo and more – but the dish tastes better! Please help support a great restaurant, a great family, and a great cause.

If you’re not in Ann Arbor, but would like to help, you can still call them up, order a meal, and donate it to a worthy recipient — plenty available!

Since we can’t watch sports, UM Press decided to give daily excerpts from The Best of Bacon, starting with one of my favorites: Don’t Try This at Home, about all the stupid and dangerous games we invented as kids. Baloney game, anyone? Enjoy!

When I decided to write a column describing all the stupid, dangerous games we invented as kids, I assumed I was writing for an audience solely of my childhood friends, because who else would care? Well, I was wrong about that. The re- sponse was overwhelming, with readers chiming in about all the silly things they did as kids, with all of us marveling that we’re still alive. It turns out mak- ing up ill-advised endeavors is a surprisingly universal experience—just one more way “sports,” broadly defned, binds us.

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1 Comment

  1. Lynn Heberlein

    Thanks for the laugh and a flashback to memories of our “dangerous games”: playing tag in a full wheat bin, icing down a hill, for sledding, that ended in a creek ..or a big apple tree.

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