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A Q&A on The Great Halifax Explosion
Hello, Loyal Readers! This week we have a Q&A that ran on Military History Now, on The Great Halifax Explosion: A World War I Story of Treachery, Tragedy, and Extraordinary Heroism, which launched Tuesday with a great event at Michigan's Rackham Auditorium. For...
How Canada’s Greatest Tragedy and America’s Response Spawned Michigan Hockey
Hello, Loyal Readers! Hope all's well in your worlds. The Great Halifax Explosion: A World War I Story of Treachery, Tragedy, and Extraordinary Heroism, which you can pre-order by clicking on the title, debuts on Tuesday, November 7. That night I'll be presenting at...
The Book Tour Schedule for “The Great Halifax Explosion”
Hello, Loyal Readers! Hope all's well in your worlds. The Great Halifax Explosion: A World War I Story of Treachery, Tragedy, and Extraordinary Heroism, which you can pre-order by clicking on the title, debuts in one week, on Tuesday, November 7. That night I'll be...
If Harbaugh’s Not Good Enough For Some UM Fans, Who Would Be?
Hello, Loyal Readers! On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, at 7 p.m. at University of Michigan's Rackham Auditorium, we will launch my next book THE GREAT HALIFAX EXPLOSION: A World War I Story of Treachery, Tragedy, and Extraordinary Heroism. The great Cynthia Canty,...
John Saunders’s Playing Hurt: My Journey from Despair to Hope
Hello, Loyal Readers! On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, at 7 p.m. at University of Michigan's Rackham Auditorium, we will launch my next book THE GREAT HALIFAX EXPLOSION: A World War I Story of Treachery, Tragedy, and Extraordinary Heroism. The great Cynthia Canty,...
Don’t Like Night Games? TV Can Only Offer the Money. Schools Take It.
For the first time in their 119-year year rivalry, which stretches all the way back to 1898, Michigan and Michigan State will play at night this Saturday. The 7:30 kick-off time excites the recruits, the players, and the students. In other words, young people. The...
FBI Exposes NCAA’s Willful Ignorance
You can listen to the Podcast here: We learned this week that FBI undercover agents have been investigating college basketball for two years, and they found everything the NCAA has largely failed to find for decades: coaches paying top recruits through shoe...
The Hardest Job in the State
(You can listen to the audio version here by clicking "Play.") I’ve always said the two toughest jobs in this state are not governor, mayor of Detroit, or CEO of General Motors, but goalie for the Red Wings and quarterback for the Michigan Wolverines, because you can...
College Football is Back — and So Are the Wolverines
Hello, Loyal Readers! Having just finished my next book, The Great Halifax Explosion: A World War I Story of Treachery, Tragedy, and Extraordinary Heroism, on Wednesday morning, I am back, and so is the Bacon Blog! Thanks for your patience. More good news: My most...
John Saunders “Playing Hurt”: excerpts, interviews, and more
Hello, Loyal Readers, from outside Gate A27 at Newark International Airport. This is how I'm rollin' these days. Just finished a full week of interviews for the book I coauthored with my good friend John Saunders, "Playing Hurt: My Journey from Despair to Hope." It...